Best Lady Competition
Titigweti gives the same opportunity to all its active members, regardless of their gender, to be promoted, as it is stated in the by-laws. Mainly, Ladies are cherished in Titigweti English Club. They are eligible to any position in TEC (Heads of section or Staff members). They are given an opportunity to show their intellectual and physical talents through the Best Lady Competition (BLC).
Context and Justification
It is often thought or believed in traditional Africa that men are superior to women that they (women) are meant to stay at home, deprived of the liberty to use their talents efficiently aiming at contributing to their society’s development and take part in social, political and economic decision taking. This situation has worsened throughout centuries and has affected women themselves in being cognizant of their female values, freeing themselves from that traditional burden and forging their own image in their respective societies. Meanwhile, it is highly proved that women represent for a country what a root is for a living tree.
Viewing the importance of women’s influence in decision making in this 21st century, Titigweti English Club has initiated the “Best Lady Competition” which aims at promoting female leadership and English language proficiency in order to value their femininity, participate to the social, political and economic development of Benin and to considerably reduce the rate of violence afflicted to their gender. This competition was initiated in 2010 under President Léonce GAMAÏ, Titigweti chairperson 2009-2010.
Like any other language, the English language lays on four main skills: Writing, Speaking, Listening and Reading. Therefore, mastering English is to show a real competence in these skills. The Best Lady Competition better helps the female gender to polish their English skills, to develop other abilities such as public speaking and social integration. After acquiring these abilities the Best Lady contestant will be able to face the challenges of this century.
General Objective
The Best Lady Competition aims at motivating female students to participate in any social, political and economic development of their communities by analyzing problems and bringing realistic and realizable solutions to them.
Specific Objectives
The specific objectives of the competition are the following:
- Promote African female leadership and civic work
- To help develop multilingual ability
- Promote African cultures and traditions
- Make female students be aware of their female values
- Combat timidity and fear in the mindset of female students
- Help female students to advertise women emancipation in their communities
- Reduce the naivety scale in the rank of female students
- Make female students be the oars of the social, political and economic development of Benin
- Trips
Pedagogic Objectives
- Help ladies be cognizant of the intellectual talents
- Help promote excellency more effectively in schools and universities
- Help ladies be able to organize workshops with less emancipated ladies in order to give them equal opportunities and awareness
If women were well-informed and motivated on the importance of their participation in decision making for the development of their nation,
- The rate of violence on women and forced pregnancies and marriages would considerably drop.
- The index of social, political and economic development in Benin would largely increase because women would have to adopt their intelligence to the social realities of the 21st century in order to effectively contribute, better value their femininity and give themselves respect in their communities.
Expected Results
We expect to achieve many goals by the end of this project, here are some:
- The University community in general and female students (members of Titigweti English Club) are more interested in learning the English language.
- Female leadership is promoted.
- Beninese culture is promoted.
- English fluency is acquired.
- Violence against women is reduced to a large extent.
- Many more ladies integrate society.
- The competition induces other female students to learn English by integrating Titigweti English Club.